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The organization has benefitted the IBC community by teaming up with California Senator Connie Leyva and Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes to approve Resolutions SCR-97 and ACH-94 declaring October 3 Inflammatory Breast Cancer Awareness Day in the state of California; it encourages all Californians to learn about this rare and aggressive type of breast cancer, and to support all people who are impacted.
The impact of the Resolutions passing is monumental for this quick spreading disease, which affects both women and men, diagnosed in women of younger ages and is often dismissed by doctors because they are too young to have breast cancer, not IBC.
One of the biggest emotional setbacks that breast cancer survivors deal with post treatment is the expectations from their family, friends, and caregivers, that survivors should "get over it" and join life in its entirety. It is not that simple!
Diagnosing IBC is also more difficult because it does not create a lump in the breast. This prevents women from feeling any sign of breast cancer during a physical examination. It also makes it difficult to see IBC on a screening mammogram.
Patient, helping patients to bring knowledge and benefits to all affected by Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) and other types of aggressive breast cancer that are unclear to the public and medical field, such as Triple Negative, a subtype of (IBC), and Metastatic (IBC) at the time of disease progression.
Your diagnosis (Pathology) of Breast Cancer is called Triple Negative (IBC), Locally Advanced, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma or High Grade Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma (Stage 3b or higher! You have NOT been told: that the clinical name of these cancers is Inflammatory Breast Cancer. The clinical name of IBC makes the aforementioned diagnosis extremely time sensitive.
Our program are uniquely desgined to help patients with IBC and their families.
No one woman will have all of the signs, and some may only have a few, a rash in most cases can be missed in darker skin tones, lighter skin tones will show quickly.
Everyone is different, we need the doctors to know what they are looking at.
Sign the Make Oct 3rd National Inflammatory Breast Cancer Day
If any signs are present on or about the breast or surrounding area, CONSULT A DOCTOR!
The information contained on the Fighting 4 the Tatas Breast Cancer Organization web site is presented for the purpose of educating people on Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Nothing contained on this web site should be construed nor is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider promptly.
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