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Inflammatory Breast Cancer was first described by Scottish Surgeon Sir Charles Bell in 1814,
Sir Bell recognized the seriousness of a breast mass presenting with pain and skin discoloration. “When a purple colour is on the skin over the tumor, accompanied by shooting pains, it is a very unpropitious beginning.”
1887: Thomas Bryant observed dermal lymphatic invasion by carcinoma, suggesting the obstruction could explain the gross inflammatory appearance, and it is without doubt the most acute and fatal form of cancer found in the breast. It spreads rapidly and kills quickly.
1909: Archibald Leitch describes the cause of “peau d’orange” translation: skin of an orange;
1924: Burton J. Lee and Norman E. Tannenbaum introduced the term “inflammatory breast cancer (IBC)” and considered it a distinct entity.
Inflammatory carcinoma of the female breast presents such unusual clinical manifestations that they are often misinterpreted by the physician who is first consulted.
1929: The average life expectancy for women (all races) was 58.7 years (60.3 years for white and 47.8 years for Black);
1956: "The first diagnostic criteria for IBC were published in 1956 by Haagensen[3] and are still widely used. A clinicopathological entity characterized by diffuse erythema and edema of the breast, often without an underlying palpable mass'.
1972: Report of a case – A 12 year-old girl consulted her family physician for a cutaneous eruption of the whole body, which was diagnosed as a viral exanthema. Results of physical examination at that time revealed a mass in the upper part of the left breast above a partially retracted nipple, and a definite enlargement of the left breast relative to the right. Surgery, 105(3), 505-8. No abstract available.
1997: The life expectancies were 79.4, 79.9, and 74.7 years, respectively.
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